Friday, September 08, 2006

Café Lemanski - 9/8/06

So, who's the most popular couple in Belize? Well, it's not us. However, we have been a hit with a lot of the kids in Blue Creek because we brought with us a fancy-shmancy espresso machine. Many of them have never had espresso. Our mission is now clear. . .

I told my students about some of the priorities we had when planning out move down here, and one thing we had to accommodate was the espresso machine we received as a wedding gift. Some of my students had lived in Canada and got really excited about the idea of being able to have an iced latte or a mocha once again, others were like, "What's the difference between that and regular coffee?"

So, Melissa and I were enjoying an evening to ourselves with a cool breeze coming through the window. The breeze brought with it the desperate cry of an eighth grader, "CAN WE HAVE AN ESPRESSO?" We shouted back, "Sure! Come on up!"

About five seconds later, eleven junior high and high school students were at our door - excited to either finally have another latte or to try one for the first time. I don't think their feet actually touched the stairs on the way up to our apartment. So, we made them all some coffee, and they LOVED IT! A couple days ago in class, a few students whispered to each other, then several hands shot up. I called on one girl who asked, "If a bunch of us come over Friday night with chocolate syrup and coffee will you make us all espressos?"

So, it looks like we've placed the groundwork for a little espresso bar. And, so many people run businesses out of their homes, Melissa is thinking of doing the same with coffee. Like the woman who has a video rental store in her kitchen with a sign out sheet and cash box by the door. That would be so cool! It would also be a fun thing to do in the giant upper room by our store, like a youth outreach. Just have a "Coffee Night" where the kids can come and hang out (since they don't have a place like that) to talk and listen to music and sip espresso. How cool would that be? It's also a great way to get to know the kids and influence their lives outside of class. What an opportunity! Stay tuned! We'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It should be no surprise that kids down there want to be coffee drinkers. All the kids pretending to be more grown-up than they really are all go and get coffee in the malls of American wasted youth so I'm sure the urge translates perfectly :P
