Monday, July 31, 2006


Here we are at our final good-bye party this evening (Sunday 7/30) at Katie Downs on the Tacoma Waterfront. It was sad to realize this was the last time we would be saying goodbye to friends and family, but I feel I am also ready to discover what lies ahead!!

Many people have asked if I am nervous to make my home in a new country without a career path or even an idea of what daily life will look like. I belive this is because I have been a hard-working and dedicated Juvenile Probation Officer the last 2 years and a student and Teller at Bank of America for the 5 years before that. I have always kept myself busy with school, work and other activities and for now my day-to-day life is completely unknown to me!

During a time of prayer, I was reminded of God's covenant with Abraham, promising he would be the "Father of Many" and begin a new Nation (Israel) who would be His chosen people. Abraham could not have accomplished that task on his own--He needed his wife, Sara, to bear his child, Isaac, for this promise to become reality. God included Sara as an important part of His covenant with Abraham. Now, I am not saying Nathan and I are going to start a family in Belize (sorry mom!) and I am not trying to compare Nathan to Abraham, but I am saying that although God has called Nathan to teach in Belize, I know He has prepared a place and a purpose for me also.

I am so excited to discover what Belize has in store for me, and I need only wait 12 more hours...

Sunday, July 30, 2006

TAKEOFF! - 7/30/06

We're on our way!

We had a good-bye fiesta at Melissa's mom's house with friends and relatives in Western Washington. This picture is of Melissa's brother Nathaniel, Melissa, Me, future brother-in-law Jeff, Katherine, and Melissa's sister Haley.

We've been packing the last of our things off and on all night before flying out in the morning - at 3am. Still so excited to go! Even though at this point, we only know the following:
  • I have a job waiting for me
  • We have a furnished two-bedroom apartment with AC
  • We will have internet access at least once a week - maybe more
  • Somebody will be at the airport to pick us up
  • We have a pickup truck to drive while we are down there
All other details are just part of the adventure! ...right?

So excited!