Sunday, April 15, 2007

School Picnic - 4/14/07

Can you believe it's almost over? This year has just flown by! School is out one month from tomorrow and things are quickly winding down.

Every year, the Linda Vista School holds an annual picnic to bring the community together to celebrate the end of the school year. This year, it was held a few weeks early because they wanted to have the pictures from the picnic in the yearbook - which hasn't happened in previous years. It was a lot of fun, but strange for the teachers who were here last year since they have to go back to work the Monday after the end-of-the-year picnic.

Though it was a lot of fun, the dry season is here full force. A couple days ago, it was a reported 112 degrees outside with 60% humidity. It felt about the same yesterday, too. On the way to the park, I experienced a sensation I'd never felt before. When I exhaled, the air from my nostrils actually felt cooler against my upper lip than the air outside. Now that's stinkin hot!

Anyway, the picnic followed tradition, beginning with games held by each class and ending with a community supper. We were divided by level, so my group inc
luded grades 6-8. Our games included several of the old-time favorites such as "Thaw Mr. Lemanski's sock from the block of ice" and "Pull the nylon with the orange in it off the other guy's head using your own nylon with the orange in it on top of your head." I'm pretty sure these games have their roots in Mennonite tradition dating back to Europe circa the late 1500's. Always innovators, these people.

We also had a camel-back egg toss, and a relay race where each team member had to run across the field, drink an ideal (a melted fruit ice-pop), and run back to tag the next person on the team to do the same.
The kids had a good time and it helped fight the heat. Not the most restful Saturday possible for the teachers, but it's all part of working at the Linda Vista School! Today is mostly recuperation from the festivities, and back to work tomorrow. Of course, we have another 4 day week ahead of us, so it won't be too bad. And at the end of May, Melissa's mom is coming down to visit! It's going to be exciting taking touring around with her, and a great way to end an exciting year before packing up and preparing to head back to the States.

But there's still plenty of time! If anyone else wants to visit us before mid June, book your tickets now! We'd love to host you and show you around as well!

As always, we love and miss you all and hope to hear from you soon!


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