What a fun day we had today!!
I will start with the highlight-- We got to ride in a Cessna 172!! That is a little 4 seater plane with 160 horsepower!! Nathan, Corban and I were invited to ride with John, the Pastor here in Blue Creek, who we are staying with tonight and tomorrow night. He gave us a great view of the village as well as the surrounding area. The highlight of the trip was seeing where Belize, Mexico and Guatemala meet. Just seeing a place where a few countries border one another may not sound too exciting, but to us it was amazing! I can't imagine too many people have seen that sight! And from 1000 feet up no less!! Corban is one lucky kid to be able to do all these things before the age of 2!
Today reminded me so much of this day. I can't believe that was more than 4 years ago!
We also have now moved from Abe's house to John and Marians--as I just mentioned above. Abe and his family have been so wonderful and hospitable, it was great to be able to spread out and get comfortable in their home over the past three days. But as Nathan says, "Fish and guests go bad in three days." We didn't want to wear out our welcome, so we said our thank yous and our goodbyes today and headed to our final home-away-from-home in Belize. John and Marian weren't a pastor couple when we lived here last. John taught with Nathan and we had several opportunities to spend time with them and have some really great conversations. So, when they invited us to stay a few nights I was happy to accept! We have already had an awesome flight and a wonderful dinner-- they have set the bar high and we can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring!
Also, thanks to our time here in Blue Creek, Corban knows the difference between a horse and a cow almost 100% of the time! As I mentioned before, Cow is "pow" to him. And horse is "ossthhh"-- but he is getting his point across! And his newest word, as of bedtime tonight, is gecko, which he pronounces as "get-ohh!" This came about tonight when we found a baby gecko in his crib. I guess baby geckos need a safe place to sleep, just like baby people! Anyway, geckos are very very fast. So, as soon as he was discovered in the crib he shot out and crawled onto the wall then stuck to the ceiling. As Nathan changed Corban's diaper, he looked up and practiced saying, "get-ohh!" We have video of this and you better believe it will be up on one of our blogs very soon! I am so happy that Corban is learning so many new words and seeing so many different animals up close-- something that just doesn't happen in our little suburb!
I still have so many pictures to post. But, so much is happening so quickly and time is passing so fast, I can't keep up with everything. Suffice it to say, most of our pictures will have to wait until we get home. But, we are having a wonderful time. We are getting tired but will be very sad to say goodbye to this beautiful country and it's friendly people in just a few days time.
The only disappointing part of the day is that we didn't have a camera when we went up in the plane. The pictures aren't the best quality, because they were taken from Nathan's phone. His phone actually has a decent camera, but definitely not one made to take clear, detailed pictures from such a distance!

Ready for Takeoff!
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