There were 12 of us in all; 8 girls, 2 boys, and Nathan and I. The boys were in HEAVEN on that island surrounded by tanned bikini-clad women! I could write an entire blog about the boys and
call it "Mennonite Boys Gone Wild" but since so many Blue Creekers read this, I'll just say, "a good time was had by all." Nearly all of the girls bought bikinis (the height of Blue Creek rebellion) and they all giggled when they wore them together in the pool (after dark.)
All but two of the kids had their hair braided and the boys went on a SNUBA trip. SNUBA is a cross between snorkeling and SCUBA. You have oxygen like SCUBA, but the tanks stay on the boat and you have a tube that connects to the tank. SNUBA allows you to stay underwater for about 30 mins. and swim at about 20 feet without having to be SCUBA certified.
The boys also proved to be smarter than the rest of us. They decided to spend the $10 BZ to rent bikes for a few days. This made getting around a lot quicker and cooler!
While the kids were running around the island, spending money and having a blast, Nathan and I mostly hung out at the amazing resort which had a private beach (very very rare on the island) and a beautiful pool. We have already been on so many trips and are planning to spend lots of $$ when mom comes to visit next week, so we tried to make this trip as cheap as possible! It wasn't too difficult either, since we all raised the money for the lodging and we made
our own meals! I tell you, these kids know how to travel: Spend all your money on an AWESOME place and just make sure it has a kitchen! We brought 2 coolers of food along with a suitcase and a cardboard box filled with "snacks." We were set.
I don't want to make it sound like we didn't perform our chaperon duties. We made sure all the students and luggage made it to the island and back home. We also cooked all the meals and did all of the clean up. We went into town with the kids the first few times and we, of course, set down a few ground rules. But, these are good kids. When so many kids are getting alcohol poisoning from drinking games
and sleeping around on their Senior Trips, these kids rebelled by swimming in the pool after hours (even though they still asked our permission), buying bikinis they won't wear without shorts and Cuban cigars that they won't smoke. Chaperoning this group wasn't too tough.
So, another great weekend with fun company. My tan is a little darker and I have stayed at yet, another, georgous hotel in Belize. I am going to miss this!
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