Saturday, February 24, 2007

New Digs! - 2/24/07

Our biggest news of the week is that we moved last Sunday. We moved because of several reasons that aren't important enough to blog about, what is important is that we LOVE our new place!

Perks of the new digs:

  • We have a front and back yard
  • We have a palm-lined driveway
  • We have pointsettias year-round
  • Our bathroom is no longer the size of a broom closet.
  • We have a cat. Cats hunt spiders and other creatures. Yay cat!
  • We have ficus trees is our backyard- ficus trees grow HUGE here!
  • We have a comfy bed that actually fits Nathan's body - No more back problems from legs hanging off the rock-hard matress!
  • We have rain water, we can actually drink the tap water!
  • It's an actual house

It's not just the house though, Nathan and I absolutely love the new location as well. We are still very near the school and the "downtown" area of Blue Creek, so Nathan can still walk to school. We can acutally see the shopping center where we used to live from our front yard. But there is much less noise and the house is set off the road. Also, Nathan loves a species of tree that grows here in Belize. We don't know the name but large, beautiful bright orange flowers grow in shocking contrast to their dark green leaves. There are two of these trees in our front yard! It gives me a place to hit the volleyball with my friends and sunbathe in the afternoons! It is so much more peaceful and we will have saved quite a bit of money in rent by the time we leave.

I can't wait to have family visit so I can show them our rain-water shower!


jeffrey said...

Nice! I like the new place. I wish we could go down and actually see it, but unfortunately we are poor, saving for school, and find ourselves without vacation time.

Cupcake said...

I am excited that you like your new place. It sounds great!

love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Belizeans!

I really dig your new place, how nice! also the rodeo sounds awesome, I will have to take you guys to one with bull riding---it is a blast. What an amazing place.

