Thank you to everyone who has been praying for our kids over the last few weeks. All of the kids involved in the accident are now home and able to spend Christmas with their families.
Bradley, the one who was most seriously injured, came home last Wednesday and is doing so well, it can only be beause of God's help and your prayers. He had his surgeries in Guatemala and the doctors there said he was the forth person to go through such intensive surgery in their hospital that year and he was the only one who survived. The doctors actually sat his parents down and asked them what was different about Bradley, how he was able to survive surgery and recover so quickly. The nurses were amazed at his rapid healing and noted that he was filled with a sense of peace and was making miraculous progress in the few short weeks he was there.
At one point the family was scrambling to find a blood donor for him. He is O negative, which is a very rare blood type. His father was with him in the hospital and was a blood match, but he had given so much of his own blood the hospital would not let him give any more. We were visiting with his older brother, Richard, one night and Nathan mentioned he was also O negative and said he would be willing to get to Guatemala if the family needed it. Then, overnight, Bradley healed so quickly and regained so much strength, there was no need for any more blood! He didn't need Nathan's blood to give him strength, he just needed God's strength!
The doctors took bone from his hip to recreate an upper and lower jaw and he still has exposed bone in his mouth so he has to be very careful about infection. Also, he recently had a very bad reaction to his antibiotics, so he can no longer take them. Continue to pray against infection in his body. Ironically, he is having more pain in his hip from taking the bone than pain in his face from the accident or surgery! He will be in a wheelchair for a while because he absolutely cannot take the risk of falling down and braking any of the new bone or injuring the weak hip.
He is so happy to be back home and surrounded by friends and family! He is talking a little and smiling a lot. We haven't able to visit him yet but everyone notes a change in his attitude and his spirit. There is no doubt in my mind God is using this experience to bring this little guy closer to Him!
I just wanted to make sure to update you all. I know many of you have been praying for Bradley and the other kids, so I thought you would enjoy some good news for the Holidays! Sorry to all of you who have been anxiously waiting for new information on the kids. We have been on "internet lockdown" again for the past few weeks. That is one frustration I will never be able to get used to in this country--internet that costs $130 a month that is constantly not working!
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