..Actually, it's more like the Hamiltons, but anyway, I got my first Belizian paycheck! I know I haven't mentioned it yet, but Nathan isn' the only Lemanski working at
I also supervise one period of Study Hall and oversee Detention on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays. I laughed when I was asked to be the detention monitor, I thought, "Oh sure, ask the Juvenile P.O. " But I am realldy enjoying it. I was also approached this week to tutor a first grader for 3 hours a week. So, on Tuesdays and Fridays from 3-4:30 I will be sitting in a 1st grade classroom helping a little Belizian boy read outloud and write cursive. Yes I said cursive in first grade!! The curriculum at this school is very advanced. The work that this first grade student is doing was work that I learned in 2nd and 3rd grade!
Anyway, that is what I am doing with my time. Just so you all know. They actually let me be a teacher. Don't look at me like that or I will give you a detention.....I get paid to do that too.....
Hey There!
It has been so long since I have written to you, but I am so glad you found a job!! I was wondering if you got anything the mail??? Keep your eyes open!
Nate and I miss you tons, and unfortunatley do not have solid internet still --hey its one less cost to deal with ehh? Nate get's paid on the 30th--his first colfaxian pay check! He is tired, boy he is worked to the bone, but we are all supporting him! Gosh I want to start a blog soon--keep me accountable if you ever get the chance... You teacher! We'll still pray about next year if we're needed.
Love you much!
We celebrated Theresa's bday on yesturday (the 12th) and Nathan's is this monday :).
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