"A place for everything and everything in its place" must be a mantra of Mennonite living. They have a club, group, or association for every aspect of life here in Blue Creek. Since Nathan and I have been married for 10 yrs. or less, we qualify to be a part of the "Young Marrieds" group. This weekend the Young Marrieds retreated to the Cahal Pech Ruins in
The weekend was great, wonderful speaker with excellent material from the book Love and Respect, a book I have just finished reading and I highly recommend! But we didn't just sit around in an air conditioned room with a great view the entire weekend. We had a lot of free time which we spent bonding with other couples during volleyball and croquet matches (yes dad, I have now played croquet in the Caribbean!), canoeing the Maya River, which passes directly by the ancient ruin of Cahal Pech, lounging by the pool and exploring the open air market of San Ignacio!
Friday was a holiday, so we headed to San Ignacio at
Cut to 7 a.m. Saturday morning, we shared a suite with Rosy and Cuatro (see my birthday celebration for their pictures) and as I was emerging from my bedroom, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, there they were, fully dressed and showered, ready to start the day. Nathan and I went down to breakfast without having showered or brushed our teeth- in fact, I was still in my pajamas. Everyone else was bright-eyed and scrubbed clean! Most of the group headed out to golf immediately after breakfast and since Nathan and I were not ready to face the public, we were not able to join them. Instead we opted to shower, hang by the pool, and go on a canoe tour of the
What a beautiful ride!
We saw iguanas the size of beagles (that's a big ol' boy there, on the left), beautiful tropical birds, HUGE termite nests (at least they were in the jungle, where they belong) dozens of fruit bats
Oh the markets here, I must take a minute to talk about them! I LOVE THEM!! So many people, speaking any number of languages, selling their colorful produce, hot food, second hand clothing, jams, pickled EVERYTHING, canned fruit, pirated DVDs and CDs, and so much more. There is always someone preaching. At this particular market it was a woman, speaking Spanish into a microphone connected to large speakers which broadcasted her every word. I did not catch her message but I heard over and over, "para la gloria de Dios" for the glory of God.
At the market, I bought a bunch of apple bananas, which is my new favorite fruit. That's right, I used "bananas" and "favorite" in the same sentence! But these aren't your ordinary no flavor, squishy, blech bananas. These are a lot firmer and smaller and they have the tart taste of a really crisp apple! I can eat them raw but I also made amazing apple banana bread out of them! Here is a bunch that I saw in the market, I bought some of them, but I snapped this picture first.
It was a wonderful weekend, we had a great time seeing more of the countryside and making new friends. Hopefully, this was the first of many weekend getaways for us!