In the picture who see Abe Rempel, Nathan and I in Abe's Cessna 172 E; you can see I got to be the co-pilot!! Abe (who seems to be the man-of-all-trades to his town) picked us up from Belize International and we had a short 30 minute flight to Blue Creek where he showed us the village from about 200 feet in the air. The Mennonites moved to this area in the 1950s and have cleared out miles and miles of jungle to make their homes and farmland. From the air, we could see the rice paddys, soybean fields, and cattle farms surrounded by lush, green, thick jungle.
Our small two-bedroom apartment is very clean and they just installed a brand new gas stove and oven; although I can't imagine baking anything in this heat. The apartment is located in a building above the local hardware store, market and bank--so we are very close to all the necessities!! (You can just make out our apartment in the picture below, it is the building in the top right hand corner) The store graciously provided milk, bread, bagels, cream cheese, jam, sugar, cereal (Honey Bunches of Oats, our favorite!) and some instant coffee. It was waiting in our kitchen for us when we arrived.
Belize is well-known for their beautiful mahogany wood and our apartment is full of it! There are two large bookcases in the kitchen/dining room/ livingroom and each of the bedrooms have a large mahogany wardrobe and bookshelves. I already cheked the wardrobe in the spare room, there is no magical land where it is always winter (I had been hoping) and no Aslan.
Our apartment also came with a house gecko, which we named Dobby. The gecko is good beacuse he eats the bugs. He must be doing his job beacuse we have seen hardly any bugs in our place at all!! The bathroom is very small and the shower is a little scary, but I plan to get in there tonight (once the weather cools off) with some really intese cleaning supplies, it should be fine by tomorrow!
The people have been very welcoming and gracious. We ate dinner with a local family last night and another family has offered to cook for us tonight. The family we ate with last night has lime and orange orchards and the wife offered to bring us limes and oranges for fresh juice! They are so generous and giving here! The community is very small and word travels quickly, I have had several women approach me, call my by my name, and introduce themselves to me. Hopefully they will be so generous with a job for me to do!
This afternoon Abe and I went to a nearby farm to gather eggs. We can purchase eggs in the market, but this farm has 18,000 chickens and they give away the eggs that are too big or too small to sell at the market. They allowed me to collect a small bucket full of eggs, so we will have plenty of scrambled eggs, french toast, hard-boiled eggs, and I am sure I will invent a few new eggs recipies!
Thank you to everyone who has posted comments, it means so much to know that you are thinking of us.

Melissa and Nathan,
I miss you already, yet you are in my prayers daily. I can't wait to hear more of the adventure. I am glad the people are welcoming you and making you feel at home.
I love you,
HI Melissa and Nathan,
I have enjoyed reading about your groovy adventure! Yummmmmm....devilled eggs are good! Melissa, you look good as a pilot. Maybe Abe can teach you!!! It is so weird without you at the office. I really miss you and all of your funny comments. Skye and I went to lunch yesterday and spent the majority of the time talking about you and how much we valued the time we were able to have with you.
Be happy and know that you both are in all of our thoughts and prayers!!
Hi my sweetie Pies,
Wow, I am soo envious. You will have such a wonderful year full of a myriad of emotions and knowledge to share when you return safely back to us. I love and miss you. And will always keep you tucked safely in my prayers. You both are so skilled at emitting love and compassion where ever you go, so I'm sure the community will love you immediately and you will want for nothing.
Love and warm hugs to you both
Auntie Kathy
Hi my sweetie Pies,
Wow, I am soo envious. You will have such a wonderful year full of a myriad of emotions and knowledge to share when you return safely back to us. I love and miss you. And will always keep you tucked safely in my prayers. You both are so skilled at emitting love and compassion where ever you go, so I'm sure the community will love you immediately and you will want for nothing.
Love and warm hugs to you both
Auntie Kathy
Hey you two!!
Thanks so much for sending me the email about your blog. I treasure this thing because it makes me still feel a part of your lives. And the adventerous side of me can kinda live through you (he he). Corporate Pointe is not the same with out you Nathan, but the Windemere peeps are still sweet. Melissa --- do they give reciepts at the market? I am sure you won't need the reciept for your 50 cent donut transaction there!! (just trying to keep you thinking of old times). Introduce phase ten to the local folks, I love you both so much!
Your pal
Sara Lillian
P.S. I promise to send random pics of us when I get internet at home. :)
PPS> If i could get sky's email and phone number that would be great, haven't been to church for a few weeks because life is crazy busy with being out of town and such.... catch ya later.
Congratulations on your safe trip! I am glad to hear you are there and in one piece. It is so weird to hear that there are so many blondes there! Strange! We love you both and pray for you daily. I hope all goes well! And Nathan, why can't we send your radio (or is that a no-no?). I am sort of confused about why or what you could and couldn't take! I love you both! Gage said to tell you he misses you both.
It's so great to hear that you guys made it there safely and like your dad, I am SO happy you didn't fly the plane Melissa, we all know driving isn't one of your finer abilities (lol) and about those eggs...you don't happen to have 50lbs of onions to go along with that do you!? (remember that?)I am praying for you guys daily and hope you enjoy the experience. love ya...ReNate and family
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